Peer-reviewed papers
Bi-Cheng Dong was the first author on 16 and the corresponding author on 5 of the 47 publications listed below.
47. Wang L-H, Si J, Luo F-L, Dong B-C*, Yu F-H. 2022. Parental effects driven by resource provisioning in Alternanthera philoxeroides-A simulation case study. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:872065. [link]
46. Dong R, Gao S-S, Dong B-C*, Luo F-L, Gao J-Q, Yu F-H. 2022. Plasticity in responses to dimensional variations of soil space in 19 grassland plant species. Ecological Indicators 142: 109300. [link]
45. Dong B-C, Wang P, Luo F-L. 2022. Sharing of nitrogen between connected ramets of Alternanthera philoxeroides in homogeneous environments. Plant and Soil. 10.1007/s11104-022-05475-5 [link]
44. Wang M-Z, Li H-L, Liu C-X, Dong B-C, Yu F-H. 2021. Adaptive plasticity in response to light and nutrient availability in the clonal plant Duchesnea indica. Journal of Plant Ecology: rtab116. [pdf]
43. Liu, L., P. Alpert, B.-C. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2020. Modification by earthworms of effects of soil heterogeneity and root foraging in eight species of grass. Science of The Total Environment 708:134941.
42. Portela, R., B.-C. Dong, F.-H. Yu, R. Barreiro, S. R. Roiloa, and D. M. Silva Matos. 2020. Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides. Journal of Plant Ecology 13:122-129.
41. Qin, T.-J., J. Zhou, Y. Sun, H. Mueller-Schaerer, F.-L. Luo, B.-C. Dong, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2020. Phylogenetic diversity is a better predictor of wetland community resistance to Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion than species richness. Plant Biology 22:591-599.
40. Dong, B.-C., P. Alpert, and F.-H. Yu. 2019a. Transgenerational effects of herbivory and soil nutrients transmitted via vegetative reproduction in the clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 41:125498. [pdf]
39. Dong, B.-C., F.-H. Yu, and S. R. Roiloa. 2019b. Editorial: Ecoepigenetics in clonal and inbreeding plants: transgenerational adaptation and environmental variation. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:622. [pdf]
38. Dong, B.-C., L.-M. Zhang, K.-Y. Li, X.-T. Hu, P. Wang, Y.-J. Wang, F.-L. Luo, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2019c. Effects of clonal integration and nitrogen supply on responses of a clonal plant to short-term herbivory. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:624-635. [pdf]
37. Dong, B.-C., J. Meng, and F.-H. Yu. 2019. Effects of parental light environment on growth and morphological responses of clonal offspring. Plant Biology 21:1083-1089. [pdf]
36. Hu, X.-T., and B.-C. Dong*. 2019. Herbivory and nitrogen availability affect performance of an invader Alternanthera philoxeroides and its native congener A. sessilis. Flora 257:151412. [pdf]
35. Chen, D., A. Ali, X.-H. Yong, C.-G. Lin, X.-H. Niu, A.-M. Cai, B.-C. Dong, Z.-X. Zhou, Y.-J. Wang, and F.-H. Yu. 2019. A multi-species comparison of selective placement patterns of ramets in invasive alien and native clonal plants to light, soil nutrient and water heterogeneity. Science of The Total Environment 657:1568-1577.
34. Portela, R., B.-C. Dong, F.-H. Yu, R. Barreiro, and S. R. Roiloa. 2019. Effects of physiological integration on defense strategies against herbivory by the clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:662-672.
33. Qin, T.-J., Y.-T. Guan, H. Quan, B.-C. Dong, F.-L. Luo, M.-X. Zhang, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2019. Growth traits of the exotic plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris and the evenness of resident plant communities are mediated by community age, not species diversity. Weed Research 59:377-386.
32. Xing, Y.-P., G.-W. Wei, F.-L. Luo, C.-Y. Li, B.-C. Dong, J.-S. Ji, and F.-H. Yu. 2019. Effects of salinity and clonal integration on the amphibious plant Paspalum paspaloides: growth, photosynthesis and tissue ion regulation. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:45-55.
31. Zhang, Q., Y.-P. Liu, F.-L. Luo, B.-C. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2019. Does species richness affect the growth and water quality of submerged macrophyte assemblages? Aquatic Botany 153:51-57.
30. Dong, B.-C., M. van Kleunen, and F.-H. Yu. 2018a. Context-dependent parental effects on clonal offspring performance. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1824. [pdf]
29. Dong, B.-C., M.-Z. Wang, R.-H. Liu, F.-L. Luo, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2018b. Direct and legacy effects of herbivory on growth and physiology of a clonal plant. Biological Invasions 20:3631-3645. [pdf]
28. Luo, F.-L., S. Matsubara, Y. Chen, G.-W. Wei, B.-C. Dong, M.-X. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2018. Consecutive submergence and de-submergence both impede growth of a riparian plant during water level fluctuations with different frequencies. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155:641-649.
27. Wang, M.-Z., X.-Q. Bu, L. Li, B.-C. Dong, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2018. Constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:1006-1017.
26. Wei, G.-W., Q. Shu, F.-L. Luo, Y.-H. Chen, B.-C. Dong, L.-C. Mo, W.-J. Huang, and F.-H. Yu. 2018. Separating effects of clonal integration on plant growth during submergence and de-submergence. Flora 246:118-125.
25. Dong, B.-C., T. Fu, F.-L. Luo, and F.-H. Yu. 2017. Herbivory-induced maternal effects on growth and defense traits in the clonal species Alternanthera philoxeroides. Science of The Total Environment 605:114-123. [pdf]
24. Liu, L., and B.-C. Dong*. 2017. Effects of soil heterogeneity and clonal integration on Alternanthera philoxeroides populations with a radial ramet aggregation. Plant Species Biology 32:189-199. [pdf]
23. Liu, L., P. Alpert, B.-C. Dong, J.-M. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2017a. Combined effects of soil heterogeneity, herbivory and detritivory on growth of the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Plant and soil 421:429-437.
22. Liu, L., X.-Q. Bu, J.-Y. Wan, B.-C. Dong, F.-L. Luo, H.-L. Li, and F.-H. Yu. 2017b. Impacts of sediment type on the performance and composition of submerged macrophyte communities. Aquatic Ecology 51:167-176.
21. Liu, L., B.-C. Dong#, P. Alpert, and F.-H. Yu. 2017c. Effects of soil substrate heterogeneity and moisture on interspecific competition between Alternanthera philoxeroides and four native species. Journal of Plant Ecology 10:528-537. [pdf]
20. Wang, P., H. Li, X.-Y. Pang, A. Wang, B.-C. Dong, J.-P. Lei, F.-H. Yu, and M.-H. Li. 2017a. Clonal integration increases tolerance of a phalanx clonal plant to defoliation. Science of The Total Environment 593:236-241.
19. Wang, Y.-J., H. Mueller-Schaerer, M. van Kleunen, A.-M. Cai, P. Zhang, R. Yan, B.-C. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2017b. Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives. New Phytologist 216:1072-1078.
18. Yuan, Q.-Y., P. Wang, L. Liu, B.-C. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2017. Root responses to nitrogen pulse frequency under different nitrogen amounts. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 80:32-38.
17. Liu, L., H.-F. Lin, and B.-C. Dong*. 2016a. Clonal integration enhances expansion ability of Ipomoea aquatica in aquatic-terrestrial ecotones. Aquatic Botany 128:33-40. [pdf]
16. Liu, L., H. Quan, B.-C. Dong, X.-Q. Bu, L. Li, F.-D. Liu, G.-C. Lei, and H.-L. Li. 2016b. Nutrient enrichment alters impacts of Hydrocotyle vulgaris invasion on native plant communities. Scientific Reports 6:39468.
15. Dong, B.-C., P. Alpert, Q. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2015a. Clonal integration in homogeneous environments increases performance of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Oecologia 179:393-403. [pdf]
14. Dong, B.-C., R.-H. Liu, and F.-H. Yu. 2015b. Effects of Spirogyra arcta on biomass and structure of submerged macrophyte communities. Plant Species Biology 30:28-36. [pdf]
13. Dong, B.-C., J.-Z. Wang, R.-H. Liu, M.-X. Zhang, F.-L. Luo, and F.-H. Yu. 2015c. Soil heterogeneity affects ramet placement of Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Journal of Plant Ecology 8:91-100. [pdf]
12. Liu, R.-H., Q.-W. Chen, B.-C. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2014. Effects of vegetative propagule pressure on the establishment of an introduced clonal plant, Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Scientific Reports 4:5507.
11. Wang, P., Y.-S. Xu, B.-C. Dong, W. Xue, and F.-H. Yu. 2014. Effects of clonal fragmentation on intraspecific competition of a stoloniferous floating plant. Plant Biology 16:1121-1126.
10. Dong, B.-C., J.-Z. Wang, R.-H. Liu, M.-X. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2013. Effects of heterogeneous competitor distribution and ramet aggregation on the growth and size structure of a clonal plant. Plos One 8:e68557. [pdf]
9. Huang, L., B.-C. Dong#, W. Xue, Y.-K. Peng, M.-X. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2013. Soil particle heterogeneity affects the growth of a rhizomatous wetland plant. Plos One 8:e69836. [pdf]
8. Xue, W., L. Huang, B.-C. Dong, M.-X. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2013. Patchy distributions of competitors affect the growth of a clonal plant when the competitor density Is high. Plos One 8:e78221.
7. Dong, B.-C., P. Alpert, W. Guo, and F.-H. Yu. 2012. Effects of fragmentation on the survival and growth of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Biological Invasions 14:1101-1110. [pdf]
6. Liu, R.-H., B.-C. Dong, H.-L. Li, Q. Zhang, and F.-H. Yu. 2012. Patchy distributions of Spirogyra arcta do not affect growth of the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum. Plant Species Biology 27:210-217.
5. Zhang, Q., B.-C. Dong, H.-L. Li, R.-H. Liu, F.-L. Luo, M.-X. Zhang, G.-C. Lei, and F.-H. Yu. 2012. Does light heterogeneity affect structure and biomass of submerged macrophyte communities? Botanical Studies 53:377-385.
4. Zhou, J., B.-C. Dong, P. Alpert, H.-L. Li, M.-X. Zhang, G.-C. Lei, and F.-H. Yu. 2012. Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Annals of Botany 109:813-818.
3. Dong, B.-C., R.-H. Liu, Q. Zhang, H.-L. Li, M.-X. Zhang, G.-C. Lei, and F.-H. Yu. 2011. Burial depth and stolon internode length independently affect survival of small clonal fragments. Plos One 6:e23942. [pdf]
2. Dong, B.-C., G.-L. Yu, W. Guo, M.-X. Zhang, M. Dong, and F.-H. Yu. 2010a. How internode length, position and presence of leaves affect survival and growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides after fragmentation? Evolutionary Ecology 24:1447-1461. [pdf]
1. Dong, B.-C., M.-X. Zhang, P. Alpert, G.-C. Lei, and F.-H. Yu. 2010b. Effects of orientation on survival and growth of small fragments of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plos One 5:e13631. [pdf]